Prosecutor's office of Sochi city of the Krasnodar Territory checked video with a dzhipping dangerous to people around

@MK.RU Sochi
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Prosecutor's office of the Lazarevsk district of Sochi city of the Krasnodar Territory Sochi checked video on which dzhipper cross the bed of the river near vacationers ashore. The roller under the name "Almost on the Heads" appeared in local pablikakh in the morning on August 12. Judging by shots, drivers of SUVs passed on bottom the river in which at this moment adults and children bathed. Actions of dzhipper caused discontent both vacationers, and Internet users. Staff of prosecutor's offices identified the personality of drivers. They are threatened by administrative responsibility under articles 12.6, 12.23, 12.5 and 8.42 Codes of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. "Questions of safety at...