Criminal case because of illegal production of sand opened in Nut Zuyeve

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Photo Ministry ecology and environmental management Moscow region. Ministry ecology and environmental management Moscow region stopped illegal production of sand in Nut Zuyeve. Upon violation in the district opened criminal case. "Violation happened on a site of lands of agricultural appointment which belong to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY BANK "RAZVITIE-STOLITSA". During survey inspectors of ecosupervision found here construction equipment: excavators, loaders, cargo dump trucks" — the minister of ecology and environmental management commented on Moscow Region Tikhon Mikhaylovich Firsov. Besides, inspectors revealed traces of dredging and sand movement. To the producer of earthwork declared caution about...
Tikhon Mikhaylovich Firsov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Ecology and Use of Natural Resources of the Moscow region)
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)