movie theater will join the stock "Night of Cinema" "Salute"

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The city action will take place on August 26. It will pass in anticipation of Day of the Russian cinema and will be dated for the 90 anniversary since the birth of the director, the screenwriter and the teacher Mark Zakharov, is reported on a portal of Official site government Moscow. This day inhabitants of Yugo-Zapadny administrativny are invited to actions by movie theater "Salute" (Kedrov St., 14, to. 3). At 17.30 here will show the blitz opera, a session of simultaneous game and gala concert. The program is devoted to birthday musical State budget cultural institution Moscow "MMT "Gelikon-opera". It was prepared by directors Dmitry Aleksandrovich Bertman and Ilya Ilyin. The contribution to creation of festive show will be made by friends of "Antiquarian circus", actors...
Mark Zakharov
Main activity:Official
Dimitri Aleksandrovich Bertman
Last position: Director general, Art director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "MMT "Gelikon-opera")