To Romania storages of natural gas are filled on record for August of 77%
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The Romanian storages of natural gas in August are filled for 77%. It in interview to agency Agerpres were declared by the Minister of Energy Sebastian Ioan Burduzha ". We have a record percent, can tell, 77%", - he told, having emphasized that it honor on 1 billion cubic meters of gas more in comparison with the similar period of last year. The minister told that by September 1 extent of filling of storages will make more than 90%. "on October 1 the cycle of dredging of gas from storages begins, and in the conditions of normal winter at Romania will not be absolute any problems", - he noted. "If the winter is very heavy, we have an opportunity...
Sebastian Ioan Burduzha
Last position: Minister (Ministry researches, innovations and digitalization of Romania)