newspaper "Kommersant" the vetklinik] recognized about change of the owner developed "INVITRO" network

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The owner of a network of veterinary clinics Vet Union which developed "INVITRO", became the owner of the supplier of the equipment for Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" "A-telematics" Kokin Dimitri, writes newspaper "Kommersant". In July the owner was replaced at the Invitro network "INVITRO". By data Yediny gosudarstvenny reestr yuridicheskikh lits, to the businessman passed 74,9% in "Proaktiv Inform" operating medical Internet TV channel Med2Med and other Invitro media projects "INVITRO", and also 76% in "Raritas Tera" who as considers the edition, is the technical legal person holdings. The remained shares passed to the businessman Roman Borisovich Mironchik – to the new owner "INVITRO". Vet Union consists of three...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Shulyak
Last position: Director general, JSC DSM Group (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUPA DSM")
Kokin Dimitri
Sereda Sergei
Main activity:Wholesale trade