Beautiful adventure 3D - Skabma action - Snowfall became available on PlayStation 4, PS 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

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In commemoration of the International day of indigenous people of the world on August 9, 2023 PID Games and Red Stage Entertainment let out on consoles a subject adventure of Skabma - Snowfall in which fascinating game process and an intricate gobelin of the Lappish culture smoothly intertwine. Try out as Aylu, the brave young Lappish shepherd, and plunge into the world where old stories and magic secrets meet. Because of the strange illness which has affected the earth, Aylu's mission on rescue of the house opens the hidden force of a drum noaydov and familiar spirits, repeating ancient knowledge of the Lappish healers...
PlayStation 4
Manufactured by:SIE
Xbox One
Manufactured by:Microsoft
Manufactured by:Microsoft