All is illusive: on the film festival which has worried rebranding in Vyborg showed "Holiday in October"

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The 31st festival of the Russian cinema in Vyborg this year refused the name "Window to Europe", but became actually main domestic film festival for lack of Sochi Kinotavr. It is symbolical that the memorial evening of the film expert Armen Nikolaevich Medvedev, the main ideological inspirer of the Vyborg festival, passed on the same day, as the most unusual premiere of the basic competitions — cinematology phantasmagoria Mikhaylov Roman "Holiday in October". On the Vyborg premiere Mikhaylov Roman confirmed the reputation of one of the most original and unconventionally conceiving modern Russian writers. It enough...
Maria Matsel
Last position: Actress
David Keith Linch
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Mikhaylov Roman
Melnikov Vitaly