The expert Artem Pavlovich Sokolov accused Germany of double standards because of monuments Bander

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The research associate of the Center of the European researches THEM MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA Artem Pavlovich Sokolov called double standards a position Government of Federative Republic of Germany in relation to radical nationalists in Ukraine and to nationalist party "Alternative for Germany" Party to Germany. "Social democrats, "Green" and other parties of the German political mainstream approach to Zelensky's nationalist manifestations and his environments from the point of view of double standards. That is prefer not to notice these manifestations or are limited to formal criticism. At the same time to Germany both "Green", and social democrats rigidly criticize...
Гезине Лётч
Last position: Deputy (Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Baumann Suzanne
MGIMO University
Main activity:Science and education
"Alternative for Germany"
Political ideology:National conservatism, Euroscepticism.