The actress Julia Borisova died at the age of 98 years

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The national actress of the USSR Julia Borisova died at the age of 98 years. About it reported at Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova where the actress served. Julia Borisova died on August 8 in hospital where spent about a year, the director Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova Kirill Krok reported information agency "ITAR-TASS". According to him, the last will of the actress was to carry out farewell to it only in the family circle. to Julia Borisova will bury on NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY. "Its success from a role to a role was triumphal, she was idolized by the audience, colleagues worshipped to it. Julia Borisova it is quiet, kingly listened to honors and ranks. Stored emotions to splash out them on a scene...
Kirill Krok
Last position: Director (Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova)
Geodakyan Artem
Gotstsi Carlo
Tyudor Maria
Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova
Main activity:Culture and sports