The actress Julia Borisova] die

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At the age of 98 years died National actresses of the USSR, the Soviet and Russian actress Julia Borisova. About it reported on the site Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova. It is specified that the actress wished that farewell to it took place in the bosom of the family. "Julia Borisova will be buried on NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY near the spouse Spektor Isay and their son Alexander" — is spoken in the publication. Julia Borisova was born on March 17, 1925 in Moscow. In 1947 the actress graduated from Theatrical school Boris Schukin's name, in the same year her accepted in Theatre troupe a name...
Yvan Ivanovich Krasko
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskoy")
Spektor Isay
Pashkova Darya
Vasilyeva Tatyana
Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova
Main activity:Culture and sports