In Republic of Dagestan discussed development questions lithium fields

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Photo: DGU Republic of Dagestan is one of the richest regions Russian Federation, minerals possessing the high content in geothermal waters, and also the most perspective for development lithium fields. At a meeting of the rector the Dagestan state universities Rabadanov Murtazali were discussed with the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the research supervisor of scientific research institute "Polyus" Gadzhimet Safaraliev rare-metal fields. Scientists the Dagestan state universities and Institutes problems of a geothermics and renewable power – branch the Joint institutes high...
Gadzhimet Safaraliev
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Rabadanov Murtazali
Ramazanov Arsene
Alkhasov Alibek