The former goalkeeper of "Detroit" and "Boston" Gilbert Zhil died at the age of 74 years

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The former goalkeeper Gilbert Zhil died this morning at the age of 74 years, reports Detroit Hockey Now. Gilbert Zhil was chosen in the third round of an amateur draft of National Hockey League 1969 by team Hockey club "Minnesota Nort Stars" that at that time made it the 25th general choice. For four seasons, carried out in "Nort Starz", Gilbert Zhil played in total 44 games, having won victories in 16 matches. Most of all matches Gilbert Zhil played for Hockey club "Boston Bryuinz". In total it played 277 matches in which won 155 victories from 89% of the reflected throws and coefficient of reliability 2,95. After "Bryuinz" Gilbert Zhil passed in Hockey club "Detroyt Red Uingz", where...