Dmitrienko Yvan — magazine "Forbes": "The present is proportional to ambition"

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The hero of new release "Neforbsov" Dmitrienko Yvan — the author and the performer of songs, the winner in the category "Music" of a rating of magazine "Forbes" "30 to 30" 2023. In interview Dmitrienko Yvan told what sees the generation that considers for itself important as treats musical education and with whom Dmitrienko Yvan let out the first main hit — the song "Venus-Jupiter" written in a co-authorship with Shapovalov Artem. The composition quickly rose by the first lines of charts Yandeks.Muzyka and Russian segment of Apple Music. Following the results of 2021 the song Dmitrienko Yvan became...
Grigory Leps
Last position: Composer, singer
Ludmila Chebotina (Lyusya Chebotina)
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Danila Milokhin
Last position: Blogger, musician