Kim Jong-un inspected work of munitions factories

@RIA Novosti
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Seoul, 6 AVG – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The leader North Korea Kim Jong-un inspected from August 3 to August 5 work of the main munitions factories, including production plant shells, plant on creation of engines for strategic cruise missiles and shock UAVs, examined progress in realization of the purposes and a policy of the party in the field of the defensive industry, transfers the Central cable agency North Korea (Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas). Kim Jong-un his sister accompanied Kim Ye Chzhon, the member of presidium of the politburo of the Central Committee Labour parties of Korea Cho Yeon Wong who recently was not appearing on public the head Tsentralnoy of the auditing...
Kim Jong-un
Last position: Chairman (State Council North Korea)
Kim Yo Chzhon
Last position: First deputy director of Department of promotion and propaganda of the Central committee (Labor party North Korea)
Kim Chzhe Ryon
Last position: Member of meeting (Supreme People's Assembly of DPRK)
Chkhon Chon
Labor party North Korea
Political parties