In Vladivostok shootings of the feature film "9 seconds" about a feat of the sailor Tsydenzhapov Aldar on the Pacific fleet] bega

@Minoborony Rossii
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In Vladivostok shootings of the feature film "9 seconds" about a feat of the 19-year-old sailor Tsydenzhapov Aldar on the destroyer "Fast" of the Pacific fleet (TOF) which at the price of the life prevented a major accident by the ship began and rescued 348 people of crew. For a perfect feat the Decree President of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2010 to the sailor Tsydenzhapov Aldar appropriated a rank of the Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). On the occasion of the beginning of shooting "9 seconds", in birthday of Tsydenzhapov Aldar on August 4, onboard a leader of the Pacific fleet of the Guards rocket cruiser "Varangian" it was carried out...