15 facts about the movie "Mary Poppins, Good-bye" which for many become the real revelation

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This year to the legendary movie "Mary Poppins, Good-bye" 40 years will be executed. Such actors took part in it as Natalia Andreychenko, Udovichenko Larissa, Albert Leonidovich Filozov and many others. We decided to rummage in the history of creation of this picture and learned about it a lot of the interesting. The movie "Mary Poppins, Good-bye" is based napovesti Trevers Pamela. Valutsky Vladimir became the scriptwriter, however during shootings the scenario repeatedly changed. The director Leonid Aleksandrovich Kvinikhidze shot the fairy tale for adults therefore it was very surprised to that the movie very much was pleasant also to children. Initially Leonid Aleksandrovich Kvinikhidze approved...