Coral milky caps, milk mushrooms and slippery jacks. What mushrooms to gather to Irkutsk Region in August?

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To the end of month there will come the period of the maximum collecting mushrooms To Irkutsk Region approximately since August 15 the early autumn layer of mushrooms will begin. Mushrooms start growing in it time from a summer layer in large quantities. Which, the correspondent "Irsiti" was told by the associate professor of a game management and bioecology of IRGAU to. . N Sergei Muzyka. In July aspen mushrooms, birch mushrooms, slippery jacks, single russulas, as a rule, start growing. Soon after already there are first saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms and dry milk mushrooms, cepes. From the middle of August they already start growing in large quantities. To the same time there are coral milky caps and white butterflies. And approximately with 20 on...
Sergei Muzyka
Last position: Deputy head of administration, head of department of ensuring activity of the area (Administration of Vladimir)
Filimonova Xenia