The oarsman Valko — about the Cup of brothers Ageev: "We plan to fight in all arrivals, we will not give in without a fight"

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The Belarusian oarsman kayaker Taras Nikolaevich Valko commented on participation in the Cup of brothers Ageev and Olympic champions Youri Postrigay and Dyachenko Alexander. "Arrival took place perfectly! Overcame a distance as planned. Were adjusted first of all on fight and hoped for the best. Everything turned out! We plan to fight in all arrivals, we will not give in without a fight. I want to express gratitude to organizers of the Cup of brothers Ageev! These competitions make a big contribution to rowing promoting, as to Russian Federation, and in all Commonwealth of Independent States. This tournament know everywhere, all love it and with pleasure come. Cup...
Youri Postrigay
Last position: The professional athlete on rowing on kayaks and a canoe
Taras Nikolaevich Valko
Last position: The professional athlete on rowing on kayaks and a canoe
Dyachenko Alexander