"The administration demanded": the official of the city hall bought cafes near the house and decided to reconstruct in two-storeyed shop

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Marx Square in Novosibirsk continue to build up actively. There already there are some large shopping centers, the last opened literally this year, but, probably, for the center of the left coast of it it is not enough. In City Administration of Novosibirsk city gave out permission to reconstruction of two-storeyed shop near the house on Vatutin, 27 — now there costs cafes "East". The document was received by Vitukhin Vitaly — not the last person in City administration: he heads department of investments, the consumer market, innovations and businesses. And at the same time TSN in which territory there will be a new building directs...
Vitukhin Vitaly
Oshchepkov Alexander
Sokolov Stanislas
Ryazantsev Mikhail
Residential property owners cooperative "Tower"
City administration
Government Agency