Bank licenses two ] are deprive

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Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) withdrew since April 23 of the license at CJSC joint-stock commercial bank "Yunikbank" and JSC KB "Petro-Aero-Bank" and appointed in them temporary administrations. About it reported on Thursday a Department for External and Public Relations Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). Licenses for implementation of bank operations it is withdrawn in connection with non-execution by the Moscow Yunikbank and the Petersburg Petro-Aero-Bankom of the federal laws regulating bank activity, and regulations Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). Besides, revocations of licenses are caused by establishment of the facts of essential unauthenticity of reporting data, and...
Kira Leushkina
Main activity:Official
Pawel Victor
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
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