Rheinmetall AG started construction production plant parts of a fuselage of F-35 to Germany

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The German defensive concern of Rheinmetall AG began construction new plant in a community to Vetsa in the territory Germany which will make parts of a fuselage of the American fighter F-35. Getty Images is told About it on the official site of the German region. It is known that the prime minister of the earth Khendrik Joseph Vyust participated in a ceremony of a laying of the base of plant. According to him, this enterprise is of great importance for the region, not only economic, but also defensive. Earlier the head of concern Armin Papperger reported about intention to begin repair tanks in Ukraine in some weeks...
Khendrik Joseph Vyust
Last position: Prime minister (Government Northern Rhine-Westphalia)
Armin Papperger
Last position: CEO, chairman of the board (Rheinmetall AG)
Rheinmetall AG
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles