Selectel will place bonds on 4 billion rubles

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Soderzhaniyeuslugi Indicators activity 2022: Revenue growth more than by 1,5 times, net profit - by 4,6 times the History 2023 Plan of Placement of the Third Issue of Bonds Preparation of 4 billion rubles for IPO 2022 Attraction of 3 billion rubles through placement of the second issue of bonds the Plan of placement of the second issue of bonds at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE 2021 Revenue - 5 818 million rubles Attraction more than $40 million through placement of bonds at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE Placement of bonds at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE 2020 Growth of revenue by 43,4% to 4 018 million rubles. Inclusion in a rating of business portal "" "The largest suppliers of IT services" Participation in...