Marcos Renee Maydana: "I wait for offers from Russian Federation to fight on naked fists"

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Marcos Renee Maydana wants to fight on naked fists to Russian Federation. "Meanwhile to me did not arrive offers. But I am ready to consider them and to be prepared. I did not think that to Russian Federation to me will suggest to battle. Is ready to begin trainings. If there is an offer to fight without gloves, I am better than it would apprehend. I wait for offers to fight on naked fists", – the former world champion in boxing Marcos Renee Maydana declared. On August 4 Marcos Renee Maydana will be sekundirovat to Emiliano Puchet in a duel with Khataev Shamil who will head the Pravda boxing tournament in Moscow...
Marcos Renee Maydana
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Khataev Shamil