From now on trains between Riga and Liepāja will go every day

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From now on trains between Riga and Liepāja will ply every day, reported to agency LETA in Motor transportation management.  Source: LETA the train will ply in the Morning from Liepāja to Riga, the first flight will take place on Tuesday, August 1, and there will be a flight to Liepāja, the first flight — today in the evening. Besides, on Sundays existing day flights from Riga and Liepāja and evening flights from Liepāja to Riga will be kept. From Liepāja to Riga it will be possible to reach in three hours and four minutes, having left Liepāja morning flight to the 5th mornings and having arrived to the capital in 8:04 mornings. On Sundays the train also will be...