More than 880 thousand people suffered from the typhoon "Doksuri" in Province of Fujian

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" Putian / prov. Fujian/, the 30th July/Xinhua / Staff on fight against floods and a drought Province of Fujian / East China / on Saturday reported that as of 8:00 mornings of Saturday in the province more than 880 thousand inhabitants suffered from a typhoon %5C" Doksuri%5s". 354,4 thousand people were evacuated and 146,2 thousand people were moved to more safe areas. Putian / prov. Fujian/, the 30th July/Xinhua / Staff on fight against floods and a drought Province of Fujian / East China / on Saturday reported that as of 8:00 mornings of Saturday in the province more than 880 thousand inhabitants suffered from a typhoon %5C" Doksuri%5s". 354,4 thousand...