The former minister of Household management company Republic of Crimea occupied a chair of general directors Rostovvodokanal

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The ex-minister of Household management company Republic of Crimea Dmitry Chernyaev, is appointed the new director general JSC Rostovvodokanala. The organization reported about it in social networks. It replaced Porksheev Mikhail who became the person involved in criminal case on commercial bribery. Dmitry Chernyaev has experience in the water supplying companies more than 20 years, passed retraining abroad. From 2019 to 2021 it was the minister of Household management company in Republic of Crimea. Dmitry Chernyaev held senior positions in the water supplying companies. And before present appointment there was an acting general directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTOVVODOKANAL". Previous head Rostovvodokanala, Porksheev Mikhail...
Dmitry Chernyaev
Main activity:Official
Porksheev Mikhail
Kubrak Dmitry