At State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" said goodbye to Nina Drobysheva

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Moscow, on July 29, 2023, 13:58 — information agency "REGNUM". At State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" in Moscow the ceremony of farewell to the Soviet and Russian actress, the national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic came to the end with Nina Drobysheva. Shot from x / f "Five corners". 1989 . Her colleagues were present the USSR Nina Drobysheva On farewell to the actress and native, admirers also came to say goodbye to it it. The actress will bury on the Troyekurovsky cemetery in the capital. As reported information agency "REGNUM", the oldest actress State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" Nina Drobysheva died on July 27 on the 85th year of life. In the press service theaters specified that the actress left their lives after the long...