Farewell to Nina Drobysheva takes place in State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta"

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Russian Federation and the USSR Nina Drobysheva passes farewell to the national actress in State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta". At the disposal of REN TV there were shots of a mourning ceremony. Coffin established on a scene to which approach to say goodbye to the actress its native, colleagues, friends. On the screen over a scene Nina Drobysheva "Are shown. Unique there was a work with it. Nina Drobysheva was very certain in the creativity", - the actor Eugenie Steblov noted. Let's remind, Eugenie Steblov managed to be played together with Nina Drobysheva in the performance "Five Corners". After the termination of a mourning ceremony the actress will bury on the Troyekurovsky cemetery. About death...