Human rights organization Pussy Riot removed from inoagentov

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The Ministry of Justice excluded The Zone Is Right human rights organization from the register of foreign agents. Telegram-channels paid attention to it. The organization was created by participants of Pussy Riot Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (inoagent) and Maria Alekhina. Soosnovatelnitsa of "A right zone" Nadezhda Tolokonnikova it was brought in the register in December, 2021 at the same time with other activist Veronica Nikulshina, and also the publicist Marat Aleksandrovich Gelman and the writer Victor Shenderovich ". The zone was right" is declared inoagenty in September, 2021...
Veronica Nikulshina
Last position: Actress, model
Marat Aleksandrovich Gelman
Main activity:Public figure
Victor Shenderovich
Last position: Prose writer, poet, screenwriter, TV host, radio host, publicist, columnist
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova
Main activity:Public figure
Maria Alekhina
Main activity:Public figure
"Pussy Riot"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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