It is declared creation of "The Pan-African forum of anti-colonial heritage" under the auspices of TV channel "RT" and Ruptly

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Descendants of the African leaders declared creation of "The Pan-African forum of anti-colonial heritage". It became known of it on organized TV channel "RT" and session Ruptly "the Pan-Africanism: sources, the present, the future" which passed within The summit Russia – Africa. The Pan-African forum will deal with issues of preservation of history and culture of Africa, will help social and sovereign economic development the continent, and also to promote association of the African people...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Maria Zakharova
Last position: Director of the department of information and press (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Kryazhev Alexander
Lumumba Roland
Province of Zamora