Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare and Ministry Republic health care Congo-Brazzaville signed the memorandum of cooperation

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The head Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare Anna Popova and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Congo, for Frankofoniya and Congolese abroad Zhan-Klod Gakosso signed the Memorandum of understanding between Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare and Ministry zdravookhraneniya and the population of Congo about cooperation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population. According to the document, departments Russian Federation and Congo will communicate about infectious diseases, to carry out joint scientific researches, to develop diagnostic, immunobiological and preventive preparations...
Anna Popova
Last position: Head, Chief state health officer of the Russian Federation (Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare)
Zhan-Klod Gakosso
Last position: Minister (Ministry foreign affairs of Republic of Congo)