"I regret that found not enough time for children": biography Nina Drobysheva

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On July 27, 2023 at the age of 84 years the Soviet and Russian actress theaters and cinema, the national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Nina Drobysheva died. It was the oldest actress State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta", worked there since 1962. The national actress became famous for a role Piaf Edith in the statement of the same name. However actor's talent Nina Drobysheva appreciated not only fans theaters. The actress started acting in at film at school, and wide audience became known according to movies "Two Captains", "Street Is Full of Surprises" and "Clear sky". The actress and as there was her private life took part in what else pictures...
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Butenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Eugenie Marchelli
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Piaf Edith