Daughter of the ex-president of Armenian National Congress Oliver Redzhinald Tambo: in Africa there are the structures, capable to improve situation on the continent

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Africa possesses all necessary structures to improve situation on the continent, the daughter of the ex-president African National Congress and the fighter with an apartheid Oliver Redzhinald Tambo, the South African diplomat Nomatemba Guguletu Pudniksiya Olivia Tambo is sure. She told about it during session of TV channel "RT" within The summit Russia – Africa. "It seems to me, it is a will question" — told Oliver Redzhinald Tambo. In interview of TV channel "RT" Nomatemba Guguletu Pudniksiya Olivia Tambo also told that the group BRICS will give to Africans opportunity to move to prosperity if there is an aspiration to improvement of life of the countries...