The actress of State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" Nina Drobysheva] die
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The actress was 84 years old. Mass media report that on the 85th year of life there was no national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Tetr's actresses of a name of the Moscow Council Nina Drobysheva. As they say in the theater TG-channel , Nina Drobysheva was" the unique creative person", whose talent "cannot be overestimated. In information agency "ITAR-TASS" specified that before death the actress long and had a serious illness. It did not become on the night of July 27. According to colleagues, performances with participation Nina Drobysheva on the Moscow Council scene "became legends", having entered into gold fund of Russian theaters. It was reported that on a stage the actress served theaters since 1962. The singer Edith Piaf became one of its roles...