Representatives of United States of America intend to meet representatives of "Taliban" *

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In State Department informed that the special representative of United States of America across Afghanistan Thomas West, and also the special envoy concerning the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan Amiri Rina will hold a meeting with representatives of the radical Taliban (the organization is forbidden to Russian Federation) during visit to the capital Qatar Doha. About it it is spoken on a site of the American diplomatic service. It is noted that the American diplomats will visit from July 26 to July 31 Doha and Nur-Sultan. During negotiations with Talibs will be discussed "the humanitarian help to the country population, economic stabilization, fair and worthy...
Thomas West
Last position: The special representative of the USA on reconciliation in Afghanistan, the deputy assistant to the Secretary of State (State department of the United States of America)
Amiri Rina