Mandela Nelson, Lumumba Patrice and Abdel Nasser: TV channel "RT" organized participation of descendants of the African liberators in a forum Russian Federation — Africa

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Descendants of legendary African leaders will take part in the sessions organized by TV channel "RT", at a forum Russian Federation — Africa in Saint Petersburg on July 27 — 28. Besides, TV channel "RT" invited to a forum more than 140 editors-in-chief and journalists of the African mass media. Leaders and correspondents TV channel "RT" will act as moderators of sessions. © Demyanchuk Alexander / a photohost agency of information agency "ITAR-TASS" Descendants of the African leaders Mandela Nelson, Lumumba Patrice, Gamalya Abdel of Nasser, Province of Zamora Mashel, Julius Nyerere, Kenneth Kaunda, Oliver Redzhinald Tambo and Ahmed Bin Bella will take part in session "the Pan-Africanism: sources...