"Could not tell about hemorrhoids even to the brother". Belarusians — about a strange taboo (Special project)

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If you wanted something forbidden, you should not even spend time for whip and suit search dominatriks. It is enough to approach to the acquaintance and quietly to whisper the "seditious" word on an ear: "Hemorrhoids". Yes, the majority of the Belarusians interrogated by authors of this text, sincerely consider an illness of vessels as "terrible secret", "taboo" and almost "fall of man". Trying from a doubtful footpath of moralising to leave on well shined glade of evidential medicine, journalists of Onlíner talked to the man, not managed to tell about the diagnosis even to the brother; the woman after the delivery, which — about...
Sergei Mikhaylovich Shakhray
Last position: President of faculty the Higher school of the state audit (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Lesovets Paulina
Ivanova Anna
Tarnalitsky Maxime