The daughter of the ex-president of Armenian National Congress Oliver Redzhinald Tambo declared large volume of nonsenses in present social networks

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The daughter of the ex-president African National Congress and the fighter with an apartheid Oliver Redzhinald Tambo, the South African diplomat Nomatemba Guguletu Pudniksiya Olivia Tambo told in interview of TV channel "RT" that at the moment on social networks there are too much nonsenses. © TV channel "RT" According to her, at her are not present now any accounts in social networks. "No, I there cannot be. On social networks, in my opinion, too there are a lot of nonsenses, and it is absolutely not interesting to me. I, maybe, should not speak it, but I the truth am not interested in it" — she told. Oliver Redzhinald Tambo marked out that it is ready to communication with youth on different platforms, but social...