Shumerlinskaya interregional prosecutor's office Chuvash Republic appealed to court with claim zayavleniyemo collecting in budget Russian Federation the sums of income gained by a criminal way

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The basis for the direction of the claim about collecting in budget Russian Federation the sums of income gained by a criminal way, became the sentence which has entered validity Shumerlya district district court Chuvash Republic of 27.12.2022, left without change by the appeal resolution of the Supreme vessels Chuvash Republic of 21.02.2023 and the resolution SHESTOY KASSATSIONNY COURT OF GENERAL JURISDICTION of 27.06.2023, concerning the zhitelyashumerlinsky municipal district. He was condemned for the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation provided p.1 by Art. 171 (illegal business) in the subsurface use sphere...