Rodion Gazmanov spoke behavior of actors Alexander Gudkov and Alexandra Kuznetsov

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Shablinskaya Olga Moscow, on July 25 - Argumenty i fakty. The singer, the musician, the TV host TV channel "Pervy kanal" Rodion Gazmanov became the guest of honor of a film festival "Crystal Istochnik" patriotism was chosen as which main subject. Rodion Gazmanov, openly supporting special operation and regularly visiting Donets Basin with humanitarian mission and concerts, told in conversation with that at present with help a microphone it, on its feelings, brings to Donets Basin more advantage than if he took the machine gun in hand. But, Rodion Gazmanov is sure if the situation exchanges, and he will understand that from him there will be more advantage in quality...
Alexander Gudkov
Last position: Leader of the comic show "Fight with Gyorls" (LLC "Television broadcasting company Pyatnitsa")
Rodion Gazmanov
Last position: Musician, singer
Yvan Urgant
Main activity:Journalist