Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon visited a party together with the 23-year-old daughter who became her copy. Top of seminude photos Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon in different bathing suits

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The 47-year-old actress Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon together with the 23-year-old daughter Ava Philipp visited secular action. The edition tabloid "The Daily Mail" published the corresponding photos, having reported that it was the annual summer party of the organization for protection of oceans of Oceana SeaChange. Mother and the daughter chose identical images on a style. On Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon the dress of mint color with open shoulders while Ava chose a similar dress of a cream shade flaunted. Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon and Philip also was made by identical hairdresses, having set hair in slightly negligent Hollywood waves. The actress shared pictures with the daughter on the page of the...