The ex-wife Benjamin Geza Afflek-Boldt marries

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The Hollywood actress Garner Jennifer marries the darling, director generals CaliGroup Miller John. As transfers Day.Az with reference to Canadian sports channel "TSN", lovers met within five years and here at last decided to issue the relations officially. About engagement of steam the insider from their environment shared joyful news with the Life%26Style edition. "Jen and Miller John meet more than five years and at last it is time to make it officially. Though they already have strong relations, legally they become the husband and the wife, and it will be cherry on a pie", - the insider told. According to the second couple, Garner Jennifer...
Benjamin Geza Afflek-Boldt (Ben Afflek)
Last position: Actor, screenwriter, film director, producer
Lora Jean Riz Witherspoon (Riz Witherspoon)
Last position: Actress, producer
Garner Jennifer
Miller John