Within work as the mobile reception Deputy Southern transport prosecutor the personal reception of citizens at a check point of MAPP Cheerful Voznesenka and in Taganrog transport prosecutor's office] will be carried out on July 2

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The Deputy Southern transport prosecutor Rakhmatullin Igor within work of a mobile reception of the Southern transport prosecutor will carry out on July 25 a personal reception of citizens at a check point of MAPP Cheerful to Voznesenka and Taganrog transport prosecutor's office. Reception will be carried out: - at a check point of MAPP Cheerful Voznesenka from 12 to 13 o'clock (Rostov Region, Neklinovsky district, page. Cheerful Voznesenka, 118th km of highways Rostov-on-Don)))))))))); - in Taganrog transport prosecutor's office from 14 to 15 o'clock (Rostov Region, Taganrog...