Argentina in June reduced volumes of processing of soy

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By estimates of Ministry for agriculture, livestock production and fisheries of Argentine Republic, in June volumes of processing of soy in the country made 3 million tons that for 12% concedes to result of the last month (in May - 3,4 million tons) and for 23% - to an indicator of June, 2022 (3,9 million tons), reports information agency "Reuters". Production soy oil is estimated at the specified period in 578,25 (684,89; 751,60) one thousand tons, soy meal – in 2,1 (2,6; 2,8) million tons. As a whole for the first 6 months 2023 volumes of processing of soy in Argentina are estimated at 14,9 million tons against 20 million tons in the first half of the year 2022, including production soy oil – in 2,8 (3,8) million tons, soy meal –...