The honourable president of Association of phlebologists Russian Federation Kirienko Alexander Ivanovich] die

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After a long illness the vice-president of the Russian society of surgeons, the honourable president of Association of phlebologists Russian Federation, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kirienko Alexander Ivanovich died on July 21. The author more than 500 scientific works, 12 monographs, 6 managements and 14 inventions was 75 years old. About death of the academician reported in the National Board of Phlebologists (NBP), and also in the Russian Society of Surgeons (RSS). Kirienko Alexander Ivanovich was honourable professor of chair of faculty surgery No. 1 of medical faculty FGAOU VO TO RNIM NAMED AFTER N. I. PIROGOV MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Till last day lives it took active part in chair work. On an initiative...