A thought-reading in the gardens. As Barnaul stood on ears because of arrival Messing Volf

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In July, 1942 Barnaul citizens were excited: to the city with tours there arrived well-known "the magician and the psychic" Messing Volf. We tell how it was in Altai Territory where stopped and as earned on planes for army. In Barnaul Messing Volf gave the first concerts on July 4 and 5 the Melange combine 1942nd in a garden. In announcements it was said that it will show "a number of difficult experiences and experiments on guessing and thought transfers". The actor hardly read mind, but precisely well knew psychology of the person. Also Messing Volf acted in Barnaul on July 6 — in building present philharmonic hall, and on July 11 and 12 — in...