The actress Dzhozefin Chaplin] die

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In its filmography – "The countess from Hong Kong" Chaplin Charlie ", The Canterbury Tales" Pazolini Pyer Paolo ", Sharlo's four musketeers" and "Four against the cardinal" Andre Yunebel. The actress Dzhozefin Chaplin died in Paris on the 75th year of life. Her family reported about it through newspaper "Le Figaro". Dzhozefin Chaplin was born in Monike Sant on March 28, 1949 in a large family of a legend of world cinema Chaplin Charlie and the actress Oona O'Neill. For the first time on the screen it appeared in three years – in the movie Chaplin Charlie "Festoon lightings", and in the 1967th Dzhozefin Chaplin debuted in its melodrama "The Countess from Hong Kong" with Brando Marlon and Lauren Sophie in...
Dzhozefin Chaplin
Chaplin Charlie
Pazolini Pyer Paolo
Monike Sant