Elektronnaya versiya gazety Politico: Belgium can break up to some countries because of disputes on migration

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On July 21, 2023, 12:34 — Public news service — OSN Because of growing in Belgium intensity between Flanders speaking in Dutch in the North and French-speaking Wallonia in the south to the country will come sooner or later the end. Analysts of the edition of Elektronnaya versiya gazety Politico. In their opinion, Belgium at some point will cease to exist in its current form. Growth of popularity and influence of far-right party of Vlaams Belang has special impact. They want to turn Flanders into the independent state. Has success of Vlaams Belang because of migratory problems in Belgium, faced with...
Poletaev Dimitri
Main activity:Science and education
Political ideology:Flemish nationalism, conservatism, European integration