It became known of start of shootings of series "Simon" with Alena Khmelnitskaya and Irina Bezrukov in leading roles

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Today shootings of the tragicomedy "Simon" of productions movie companies of brothers Gevond and Sarika Andreasyanov began. The series will tell story of the bricklayer and the lady's man whom after death numerous women remember it and thank for happiness which it though for a moment presented of. The plot of a multiseries picture is based on the popular book of the well-known Armenian writer of the same name Narine Abgaryan, the author of best-sellers "Manyunya" and "People, Which Always with Me". It is known that the novel was included in a short list of the national literary award "Big Book" and won a prize of spectator sympathies...
Alyona Khmelnitskaya
Last position: Actress, TV host
Olga Kabo
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Irina Bezrukova
Last position: Member of the Board of trustees (MBOO "VOZROZHDENIYE")
Narine Abgaryan
Last position: Writer, blogger