"People believed, want to help": The mayor Vasilyevki told about life in fired VSU the city

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The head Vasilyevki Natalia Romanichenko told about life in the city and the relation of locals: "People believed, want to help". The city of Vasilyevka located in Zaporizhia Oblast, it becomes frequent object of attack from the Ukrainian fighters. The special correspondent of Pravda.Ru Darya Aslamova talked to the head of the Vasilyevsky area, the mayor Vasilyevki - Natalia Romanichenko. On a question of, how such young girl (to Natalia Romanichenko 30 years) decided to head the city, the mayor Vasilyevki answered that she is aboriginal: here she was born and here her children grow. And therefore the interlocutor wants...
Natalia Romanichenko
Last position: Mayor Vasilyevka
Darya Aslamova
Last position: Columnist, special correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PUBLISHING HOUSE "KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA")